
Now that we can finally clear out the closets filled with giant bulky winter coats it’s time to fill them back up with some beautiful new spring and summer blazers!! We might as well throw a few classics in there as well. 🙂

I am obsessed with jackets! Blazers are part of the jacket family so as you can image I’m obsessed with blazers as well.  I wear a blazer to work pretty much everyday all spring and summer long.  Even on a hot day they are great to have on hand when there starts to get a bit of evening chill in the air! Of course you can pair them with much more than workwear.  Jeans, dresses, skirts, shorts…. basically everything! 

There are tons of new spring colors out right now!!  Get them while they are in stock because as we know it can be near impossible to pick one up in the summer.  I linked a ton of great options below.  I hope you find one you love!! Happy Shopping! xoxo

Simply click on the linked images below to shop! 

Spring Pastels! 

White, Cream & Blush!

Navy, Gray & Brights! 

Classic Blazers Under $200

Classic Blazers SPLUGE! Over $200

Classic Chanel Flap Handbag 

Let's Stay In Touch!
